
Contact Us

Contact Us

Awanui Labs welcomes your feedback, issues, suggestions or praise, as your comments are valued and assist us to provide a quality service. All feedback/complaints received are logged, fully investigated and you will receive a response.

Frequently asked questions

Please read through the following FAQs to see if they answer your query prior to sending us an enquiry form.

How do I get a copy of my lab results?
  • Awanui Labs recommends patients obtain their results from their referrer (doctor) who can explain what the results mean in a clinical context.
  • To request a copy of your results directly from the laboratory, we recommend you mention this at the time of your test. If you are wanting results from past tests, please visit any Awanui Laboratory collection centre (bring photo ID) and complete a ‘request for results’ form.
Can I request a test myself?

Yes you can. To check which tests are available as a self-referral and their costs, please visit mytests.co.nz. If you are wanting a test that is not on this list, you will need a referral from a NZ medical practitioner.

How can I request extra testing for my patient?

Please phone the laboratory to add on tests: 06 755 2760

For e-ordering click here to view add on /amend information form (please note you must be the main requestor).

What do I do if I’ve received results in error?

If you have received results in error, please email the details (or a copy of the results) to:  tki.contact@awanuilabs.co.nz

Note: Please ensure the results are from Awanui Labs as we are often sent miss-directed results from other laboratories

How can I share my feedback or complaint?

Awanui Labs welcomes your feedback, issues, suggestions or praise. Your comments are valuable and assist us to provide a quality service.

There are a number of ways in which you can communicate with us:

  • Complete the “enquiry” form below
  • Phone our call centre on 06 755 2760
  • Email us on tki.contact@awanuilabs.co.nz
  • Write a letter and post to Awanui Labs, PO Box 3300, Fitzroy, New Plymouth, Taranaki, 4312

All feedback and complaints we receive are recorded and investigated if required.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days and if necessary, we will formally respond to your complaint within 20 working days.

Send an enquiry 

If the above FAQs have not answered your question, then please complete the form below.