Coeliac disease is an immunological intestinal reaction to gluten in cereal causing the cells lining the small, intestine bowel to become damaged and inflamed. This is often found in people who are genetically predisposed to this condition. Coeliac disease in New ZealandAccording to international research, approximately 100,000 people across New Zealand have some form of coeliac […]
Our collection centres will all be closed on Friday 28 June for the Matariki public holiday. Our Waikanae Collection centre, will also be closed on Saturday 29 June.
There are upcoming changes to how diabetes antibodies will be run within the Awanui laboratories. As some will be aware, islet cell antibodies are currently unavailable in New Zealand due to issues with the immunofluorescence slides. It is increasingly recognised that islet cell antibodies have a limited clinical utility in the diagnosis of type 1 […]
All of our collection centres will be closed on Monday June 3 for the King’s birthday public holiday.
Our collection centres will be closed on Thursday 25 April for the ANZAC day public holiday. The following collection centres will also be closed on Friday 26 April:
All collection centres will be closed on Friday 29 March (Good Friday), Monday 1 April (Easter Monday) and Thursday 25 April (ANZAC day). Collection centres that normally operate on a Saturday, will remain open over the weekend. Click here to view our collection centres.
Awanui Labs Wellington, Wellington Hospital anatomical pathology department wishes to advise our current histology reporting timeframes. As at 10 February 2024 : If your case is clinically urgent please note this clearly on the request form and it will be given priority. An email to about an urgent case is also appreciated and will ensure priority. Please take […]
Laboratory testing will be severely impacted on Monday 5 February due to industrial action. All collection centres CLOSED, with the exception of outpatient departments at Wellington, Hutt and Kenepuru hospitals which are available for URGENT testing only. Wairarapa is operating as normal Find further information here>>
ESR testing availability Our ESR machine is currently out-of-action & requires a replacement part for repair. The ability of our Wellington laboratory to perform urgent ESR testing is limited, therefore if temporal arteritis / giant cell arteritis is specified in clinical details we will continue to run these urgently. If you believe your request is urgent, […]